How do I request a day off?
A: Shift Trade (Telestaff does not allow trades outside of 30 days), PTO, Virtual Trade (Not Guaranteed) cannot go from 2pt day to 1pt day/ within the same pay period, Shift Giveaway, Call Off Unexcused (via landline NOT email).
When will you approve or deny my request(s)?
A: Within 2 weeks of the request or by 1750 the day before.
How do I submit a Same Day Trade?
A: Email scheduling! Telestaff does not allow same day trades. CANNOT VT to a half shift from a 12-hour shift. (SEE SAME DAY TRADE RULES).
Why hasn’t my Shift Giveaway been approved?
A: The person accepting the trade MUST email scheduling. CANNOT drop half shifts due to creating excessive overtime.
How much PTO do I have and how do I submit for PTO?
A: Accurate PTO will be on your most current paycheck stub, submit PTO via Telestaff. IF you have already called off and need to submit PTO for a previous date, email jrich@mccormickambulance.com within 7 days.
When can I submit my Shift Bid and when will it be approved?
A: 90 Days from when you became an A/O and every payday Wednesday we will review shift bids. Submit your bid via MERs.
I’m testing for a Fire/ Police Department what do I do?
A: Submit official proof of exam or interview via email (practice interviews/exams are not eligible) Shift Giveaway with no points or Virtual Trade with enough staffing and notice. (FOR LIKE HOURS ONLY, 24 FOR 24 OR 12 FOR 12, NO HALF SHIFTS)
How do I submit a Trade/ PTO/ Shift Giveaway?
A: www.mccormickambulance.com > Employee Portal > Password “Code3ForMe” > Documents > Telestaff Guide.
How many attendance points do I have?
A: Email jrich@mccormickambulance.com for inquiry.
How do I submit my FTO/CTO/DTO/ALS Compensation Form?
A: MERS > SUBMIT A REPORT (submit within the same pay period).
Same day trades MUST be submitted via scheduling@mccormickambulance.com
Email subject heading MUST state, "SAME DAY TRADE (INSERT DATE)"
Same day trades will NOT be reviewed until the DAY PRIOR TO THE REQUESTED DATE.
Request will be APPROVED or DENIED by 1750 hours day prior to the requested date.
BOTH CREW MEMBERS requesting same day shift swap for like hours (24 FOR 24) OR (12 FOR 12) must email scheduling.
We DO NOT accept 12 hour day cars to same day trade onto a FIRST or SECOND HALF of a 24 hour shift. Please do not submit multiple request(s) for the same date.