All of our managers have all been field EMTs and Paramedics. Some of us still work in the field to keep our perspective. Our management team includes active & retired Firefighters.
How many of your managers still work in the field?
Back when we were in the field full time, we found ourselves always asking the same question:
Why do people not raised in EMS believe that they can run an ambulance company?
Little did we know that we would someday get a chance to do it ourselves!
We run McCormick with a field employees perspective, something that few companies can honestly state. It’s the way an ambulance company should be run .....like a family.
Can you walk into your bosses or owners office at any time unannounced to have any issues addressed?
Do your supervisors routinely buy you lunch?
Do you get a birthday card with a gift every year?
Do you ever get a gas or gift card in addition to overtime for picking up an extra shift?
Do you spend most of your time between calls at your station as opposed to shift posting or sitting in your ambulance?
Do you feel like your input on company matters is valued by management?
Are your shifts super flexible?
Can you go online to pick up, give away, and trade shifts 24/7?
If you answered “No” to any of these questions, you may be working for the wrong company.
At McCormick Ambulance:
You will be treated equally, respectfully, honestly and fairly. All employees are expected to do the same.
You are a valuable part of our team.
As managers, we are here to assist you in any way we can. We try and make ourselves available to you as often as possible. We try to keep everyone updated to all of the companies inner workings and current events by publishing a monthly newsletter every other month and company sponsored BB~Q’s. We invite our employees to submit articles for publication as often as they wish.
Again, we truly value our employees!